Monday, March 11, 2013

Some More Progress

Okay, so I have been working on this project for around four weeks now and it is beginning to become very difficult to learn moves. During the first few weeks I had been learning the basics, which obviously were not that hard to do because, well, they are the basics after all. Now I have the task of teaching myself a more advanced dance move from videos on YouTube, and me just put it out there that it is insanely difficult to teach yourself a dance move because they is no one there to see your errors and help correct them. So I am left staring at myself in a mirror trying the figure out why my movements do not match the person in the YouTube video. Thankfully since I have been repeating this process for a fair amount of time, I am starting to develop an effective way to learn these dance moves within a weeks time...

1. Find a YouTube video with the max HD possible (helps to see the moves clearer)

2. Watch video over and over & take notes (notes help me to remember each step, especially if they occur extremely fast)

3. Begin practicing move in front of mirror & make corrections (finish with this step when I feel comfortable executing the move)

4. Take a video of myself doing the move & find errors (video shows how would look performing the move in front of an audience)

5. Go back to step 3 until I believe that I have done the move well

On a happier note, instead of discussing the hardships of learning street dance I will share more about some street dancers and street crews that I find inspirational. The first being street troupe Diversity. Diversity is a British group made up of nine individuals including three sets of brothers and three others. The group is mainly know for winning Britain's Got Talent in 2009 and famously beating Susan Boyle. Since winning the show they have sold-out three tours around the U.K. and Ireland, being the first street dance group to ever headline their own tour. They also have made two DVD's, helped create the reality show Got To Dance, and have become celebrities all over the U.K. and Ireland. Diversity changed the entire dance scene across the pond by making it relatable to all people, and this opened the way for more dancers to do what they love for a living such as groups like Prodiji, duos such as Chris & Wes, and individuals like Akai. I hope that sometime in the future dance will be prominent in America, but until then I will continue to be inspired by the dancers of Britain!


  1. Wow Brianna first let me say that I am so impressed by your topic choice. Dancing is hard, and I don't think people know how hard of a workout it can be! Do you consider dancing a sport?

    I like how you have a process figured out, and am glad you think that you are improving. I would like to seem so videos of you doing some moves! I think that would be a fun and effective way to mark your progress.

  2. One thing that made me laugh when I first saw your blog was that your theme is all pink and frilly yet you're doing street dancing haha sorry just had to point that out. I agree with Caroline dancing is actually really hard! I have to learn a floor routine for gymnastics and it has to go with the music and all and it's difficult! Maybe that's just me because as you know I am uncoordinated and rhythmically-challenged. Anyway, good luck with the rest of your project and I am excited to see how this all turns out

  3. This seems impossible, well for me at least because I suck at any sort of physical activity (except for Football and Lacrosse, of course). Just because I can't dance, I find this topic really interesting. I think its cool that you are using a mirror and Youtube to practice and learn street dancing instead of having an actual teacher because the self-learning process is one that I find interesting. Overall, I wish you luck with this endeavor and can't wait to see your moves in 2 weeks!

  4. Brianna, I think that the task of learning how to street dance is one that is one, extremely difficult, but also really cool. Some things to think about for your presentation: what music are you going to play? What exactly are you dancing to? and What moves are you going to perform? I think that the TED talk is going to be difficult because street dancing is usually a group activity. However, I am really excited to see what you have! Also make sure you find out how you are going to setup music, and stuff with the audion because you only have 5 minutes to set up! Good Luck!

  5. Brianna, I like your idea of figuring out how to learn newer and more difficult moves. It seems time consuming though, do you think there is another way to learn these moves in a faster manner, like finding someone who street dances? Those were just some suggestions, but I think this project is an awesome and really creative idea. Have you been reading anything that has helped you with your project and learning certain moves? Maybe in the future you could take a video of you doing a few of the moves that you have perfected just to show your audience exactly what ou are learning. Good job and I look forward to seeing your progress.
