Friday, March 1, 2013

History and the First Moves Learned

Before I start rambling about this week's adventure of learning street dance, let me start by explaining more about what street dance actually is. Many people assume that this style of dance is a crew or individual literally dancing in the street, or just another term for hip-hop, but it is much more than just that. In fact street dance is term used to describe any dance style that has personality and has evolved. That means styles such as tap, clogging, jazz, and to some extents ballet can be considered street dance if routines in that style are performed with a lot of originality. I was just as surprised as you most likely are about this information, but now since you are a little bit more educated on street dance, lets get into the events of this past week.

So my week began by searching world wide web for a simple eight count tutting move, and after an hour or so I found the perfect tutorial ...

With the video found, I began to learn the moves. I have to say that it was extremely difficult to pick up choreography off the bat, especially if since I have never had a dance lesson in my life. I am almost positive that if someone had witnessed me practicing the first few steps, they could have thought that I was having a seizure. No joke. Also since tutting involves keeping your arms and hands at ninety degree angles, it could have appeared as if I was doing an awful version of the robot. But then I guess I never expected to be fantastic dancer at the beginning so I should have anticipated looking like a complete fool at first.

After drilling the moves into my head, I decided to get my sister's opinion on my progress so far because I figured that she would be the only one out of my family to give an honest opinion. So I played some music and moved through the small amount of steps I had learned. The first words out of her mouth were that I looked dumb, but then she added that it wasn't that bad and that it could have been much worse. I consider that to be a pretty amazing compliment coming from my sister!

Overall my week started off a little rocky, but then again that was to be expected, and luckily the week concluded with my sister's "compliment" showing that there is hope for me!

A book I read:

Gogerly, Liz. Street Dance. N.p.: Lerner Pub Group, 2011. Print. On The Radar: Dance.


  1. You should post a video of the new moves you learned!

  2. Hi Brianna! I hope your dance adventure is going well! For the record, I expect a video of the moves you have learned quite soon. I love this idea because you aren't afraid to be creative and do something that you truly have wanted to learn. I was wondering how the book was? Did it help you figure out how to do certain moves? Did it give you any history about the dance you are trying to learn? I am actually really curious as to how people came up with street dance. My guess: it was an accident. I'm definitely more excited to see your project than you are to present it.
