Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Reflection Time

So this project has finally come to an end, and I think that I am actually going to miss it because there are rarely opportunities in high school where are project is dedicated and tailored to your passion. When looking back at the weeks, I truly believe that I have learned so much about life along with new dance moves. The most important lesson I learned was that life is about taking risks and accepting the embarrassment that may come along with it in order to reach something great. This was the point that I was attempting to get across to the audience during my TED Talk, so lets evaluate how well I was able to do that and how my overall presentation was by using the assignment sheet for the categories.

Time: Although I am not sure of the actually time of my presentation, I do believe it was between the required time length of 4 to 5 minutes since it was when I had practiced beforehand.

Visual Component: My visual component was an effective aid in my presentation by only providing pictures and minimal words on each slide.

Content: I feel like I did a good job on content because I showed my product, even though it was not very successful, I explained my process of learning each dance step, and I had a purpose for the audience to take away, which was to take risks even if they may be embarrassing.

Organization: I do believe that my speech flowed well, but I also think that there was room for improvement in this category.

Delivery: I think my overall delivery was very enthusiastic about street dance and refined and poised for the most part. Like organization I think that there is room for improvement in this category.

Looking at my presentation as a whole I would give myself a 26/30.

To end this post I would like to say that I will always be grateful for this opportunity because it gave me the push to start pursuing my passion for street dance!

Monday, April 1, 2013

The End, Well Sort Of...

How as it already been 7 weeks!? I guess time really does fly when you are working on a project that you enjoy putting work and long hours into. So these past couple of days I have been working on my TED Talk and practicing my routine, and I must say that I am pleased at how both are coming along. I honestly never thought that I would be able to teach myself as many moves that I had, let alone being able to perform them on a stage! I am most definitely going to continue dancing, and who knows maybe if I put in enough time I might actually become good! Plus being a dancer comes in handy when you are younger because you do not look dumb dancing at parties, you always have a hidden talent to share, and it is just something to do when you are bored. Maybe next year I can post a video of me dancing to show the improvement that I will make!

The TED Talk on the other hand is not something that I am enjoying at the moment because I am still a little scared to street dance on the stage, but I have accepted the fact that I am embarrassing myself a lot.  I used the idea of embarrassment to my advantage though by making it the overall theme of my TED Talk. I figured that I might as well make a joke out of my embarrassment.

Okay so enough about my embarrassment, let's get back to dance. Here is the video that I will be dancing along with in my TED Talk...

The full routine is one minute, but I only chose thirty seconds that I feel comfortable performing. The routine involves standard hip-hop moves, tutting, floor work, and a style of hip-hop called house. Also it is taught my favorite dance crew diversity, and in case you do not know who they are here are a few of their routines...

Those routines are AMAZING! I still feel inspired every time I watch them! So as this project comes to an end I would really like to thank my teachers for allowing us to work on our passions for seven weeks because it truly has been awesome and I can't wait to continue to improve! Also, even though the project is over I think I may keep up this blogging to have reminders of the progress I make in my dance journey, so until next time, BYEE!